Hotel Transylvania is an upcoming animated movie directed by Jill Culton for Sony Pictures Animation. The film is based on a script by Don Rhymer. It will be released in theaters on September 21, 2012. Here's a first official plot synopsis of Hotel Transylvania:
"Hotel Transylvania is about a group of classic monsters including Frankenstein, the Mummy, Dracula and the Werewolf who are hiding out in a hotel on the outskirts of Transylvania now that 21st century technology has seemingly made them irrelevant.
Simon Van Helsing, the youngest in a long line of monster hunters. The last thing Van Helsing wants to do is fall in love with Dracula's Daughter, Mavis. Upon discovering that they are natural enemies, the doomed couple attempts to bring peace between monsters and humans. In the end, each family will have some new blood."
Who said being born mortal enemies had to stand in the way of romance? Anyway, let's hope that pictures of the film and maybe a first teaser will be released soon.
Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Hotel Transylvania!